We make your site friendly with cell phones and tablets

Un site Responsive is one that adapts to different screen sizes. This design technique is ideal for your site to receive traffic, without problem, from any platform and device.

Use of cell phones and tablets

Why is it important that your website adapts to cell phones and tablets?

According to GSMA Intelligence DATA and Ericson Mobility Report Data, as of 2020 there are more than 5.190 billion unique cell phone users, which covers 67% of the planet's total population. 

But there are 7.950 billion phone numbers, with an average of 1,53 cell phone numbers per person. This means that: There are more cell phones than people in the world! 

In every corner of the planet there are people connected to their devices… and the Internet! That could also mean new business and thousands of customers for your company, if you know how to take advantage of it.

Responsive Websites with ZEWS

At ZEWS we have the best design service for sitios web responsive, which will guarantee that your website can be viewed correctly through these means, adjusting the content to the size of the cell phone or tablet screen, without having to "zoom" with your fingers.

Advantages of responsive web design

Designing a website that is responsive brings a series of advantages focused on the end user or visitors.

As the website is responsive, the letters and images will adjust to the device screen, the content will be seen without problem, which generates a feeling of satisfaction in the client, and they will visit us again, without a doubt.

Of every 10 users, 8 perform their Internet searches on cell phones or tablets.

Therefore, having a responsive website or not will make the difference between whether the user stays on our page or goes to the competition.

It is also undeniable the many benefits that having a responsive web design can bring you as a company, while guaranteeing an elegant, professional design and very well positioned in search engines. As if that were not enough, since April 2015 Google penalizes sites that are not "mobile-friendly".